{'ObjectID' : '2418', 'ObjectCode' : 'N-0048-00', 'ObjectNumber' : 'NG48', 'ObjectDateBegin' : '1608-01-01', 'ObjectDateEnd' : '1615-12-31', 'ObjectDisplayDate' : 'about 1610-13', 'ObjectDimensions' : '45.1 x 33.9 cm', 'ObjectMedium' : 'Oil on copper', 'ObjectAlphaSort' : 'Domenichino', 'ObjectAuthor' : 'Domenichino, 1581 - 1641', 'ObjectTitle' : 'Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish', 'ObjectShortTitle' : 'Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish', 'ObjectCreditLine' : 'Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831', 'ObjectString' : 'NG48: Domenichino, 1581 - 1641, Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish, about 1610-13, Oil on copper, (45.1 x 33.9 cm), Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831.', 'ObjectLocation' : 'Room 37', 'ObjectPrivateLocation' : 'Gallery 37', 'ObjectPublicLocation' : 'Room 37', 'ObjectSchool' : 'Italian (Bolognese)', 'ObjectCurator' : 'Dawson Carr', 'ObjectDescription' : 'The angel commands Tobias to catch the fish which attacked him in the river Tigris. Subsequently the boy used its gall to cure the blindness of his father Tobit. The Book of Tobit (6: 3). Buildings are depicted on the cliff in the distance.
NG 48 is probably the picture recorded in the Colonna collection in 1693, where it hung with the Moses and the Burning Bush (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art). The latter work is also on copper and is of similar dimensions and figure scale and it is likely that the two were conceived as pendants. They are datable to the early 1610s.
Probably Palazzo Colonna, Rome, 1693; Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831.
Levey 1971, pp. 91-3
Spear 1982, pp. 173-4', 'ObjectStatusID' : '1', 'PublicAccess' : '1', 'GroupNumber' : '', 'GroupTitle' : '', 'GroupArtist' : '', 'GroupDate' : '', 'GroupParts' : '', 'ImageID' : '2358', 'ImageFile' : 'N-0048-00-000018-WZ-PYR.tif', 'ImageCode' : 'N-0048-00-000018-WZ', 'ImagePath' : '/pics/tmp/websiteimages/Website_Collection_Online/Web Zoom Images/WZ web NG Fronts/', 'ImageLevels' : '6', 'ImageXsize' : '4554', 'ImageYsize' : '6000', 'FileGroup_ID' : '14', 'impos' : '688'} /* Array ( [0] =>
    [what] => details
    [val] => 2358
    [crop] => false
    [sqllimit] =>  AND FileGroup_id in (14) 
    [whichdb] => externalIIP
    [whichtable] => Image
    [sortby] => ObjectAlphaSort
[1] =>

SELECT * FROM Object, Image WHERE Object.ObjectID = Image.ObjectID AND ImageID = '2358'

[2] =>
SELECT * FROM Object, Image WHERE Object.ObjectID = Image.ObjectID AND FileGroup_id in (14) ORDER BY Object.ObjectAlphaSort
[3] =>
688 --> 2358 N-0048-00 Domenichino, 1581 - 1641
[4] =>
    [ObjectID] => 2418
    [ObjectCode] => N-0048-00
    [ObjectNumber] => NG48
    [ObjectDateBegin] => 1608-01-01
    [ObjectDateEnd] => 1615-12-31
    [ObjectDisplayDate] => about 1610-13
    [ObjectDimensions] => 45.1 x 33.9 cm
    [ObjectMedium] => Oil on copper
    [ObjectAlphaSort] => Domenichino
    [ObjectAuthor] => Domenichino, 1581 - 1641
    [ObjectTitle] => Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish
    [ObjectShortTitle] => Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish
    [ObjectCreditLine] => Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831
    [ObjectString] => NG48: Domenichino, 1581 - 1641, Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish, about 1610-13, Oil on copper, (45.1 x 33.9 cm), Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831.
    [ObjectLocation] => Room 37
    [ObjectPrivateLocation] => Gallery 37
    [ObjectPublicLocation] => Room 37
    [ObjectSchool] => Italian (Bolognese)
    [ObjectCurator] => Dawson Carr
    [ObjectDescription] => The angel commands Tobias to catch the fish which attacked him in the river Tigris. Subsequently the boy used its gall to cure the blindness of his father Tobit. The Book of Tobit (6: 3). Buildings are depicted on the cliff in the distance.
NG 48 is probably the picture recorded in the Colonna collection in 1693, where it hung with the Moses and the Burning Bush (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art). The latter work is also on copper and is of similar dimensions and figure scale and it is likely that the two were conceived as pendants. They are datable to the early 1610s.
Probably Palazzo Colonna, Rome, 1693; Holwell Carr Bequest, 1831.
Levey 1971, pp. 91-3
Spear 1982, pp. 173-4 [ObjectStatusID] => 1 [PublicAccess] => 1 [GroupNumber] => [GroupTitle] => [GroupArtist] => [GroupDate] => [GroupParts] => [ImageID] => 2358 [ImageFile] => N-0048-00-000018-WZ-PYR.tif [ImageCode] => N-0048-00-000018-WZ [ImagePath] => /pics/tmp/websiteimages/Website_Collection_Online/Web Zoom Images/WZ web NG Fronts/ [ImageLevels] => 6 [ImageXsize] => 4554 [ImageYsize] => 6000 [FileGroup_ID] => 14 [impos] => 688 )
) */