{'ObjectID' : '868', 'ObjectCode' : 'N-4189-00', 'ObjectNumber' : 'NG4189', 'ObjectDateBegin' : '1628-01-01', 'ObjectDateEnd' : '1632-12-31', 'ObjectDisplayDate' : 'about 1630', 'ObjectDimensions' : '63.8 x 47.7 cm', 'ObjectMedium' : 'Oil on oak', 'ObjectAlphaSort' : 'Rembrandt', 'ObjectAuthor' : 'Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669', 'ObjectTitle' : 'Anna and the Blind Tobit', 'ObjectShortTitle' : 'Anna and the Blind Tobit', 'ObjectCreditLine' : 'Bought, 1926', 'ObjectString' : 'NG4189: Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669, Anna and the Blind Tobit, about 1630, Oil on oak, (63.8 x 47.7 cm), Bought, 1926.', 'ObjectLocation' : 'Room 16', 'ObjectPrivateLocation' : 'Gallery 16', 'ObjectPublicLocation' : 'Room 16', 'ObjectSchool' : 'Dutch', 'ObjectCurator' : 'Betsy Wieseman', 'ObjectDescription' : 'Traces of a false signature, which are now no longer visible, were recorded on the varnish at the left: Re.bra.
Tobit, who was a devout Jew, lived with his wife Anna and their son Tobias. He was blinded when sparrows\' droppings fell into his eyes, a misfortune which he endured with great fortitude. Tobit sent his son a journey to collect a debt. Tobias was accompanied by the Archangel Raphael, who told him to save the heart, liver and gall of a large fish, the gall of which he used to cure his father\'s blindness. Old Testament Apocrypha (The Book of Tobit 2).
NG 4189 was engraved as the work of Rembrandt during his lifetime, but it has subsequently been argued that its meticulous detail suggests that it was either a collaboration between Rembrandt and his Leiden pupil Gerrit Dou, or by Dou alone. Comparisons with the work of Rembrandt and Dou have made it clear that the picture is, in fact, an authentic work by Rembrandt painted in about 1630 in Leiden before his move to Amsterdam. Recent cleaning has revealed areas of the background and skilful treatment of detail (formerly obscured by discoloured varnish), which also support the attribution to Rembrandt himself.
Possibly in the collection of the Unshod Carmelites at the Convent of San Hermenegildo, Madrid, by 1776; certainly in the John Bell sale, North Park, Glasgow, 1881; bought from Denis Elliot Watson, 1926.
Bruyn 1982-9, I, pp. 461-6, no. C3
MacLaren/Brown 1991, pp. 109-12', 'ObjectStatusID' : '1', 'PublicAccess' : '1', 'GroupNumber' : '', 'GroupTitle' : '', 'GroupArtist' : '', 'GroupDate' : '', 'GroupParts' : '', 'ImageID' : '886', 'ImageFile' : 'N-4189-00-000020-WZ-PYR.tif', 'ImageCode' : 'N-4189-00-000020-WZ', 'ImagePath' : '/pics/tmp/websiteimages/Website_Collection_Online/Web Zoom Images/WZ web NG Fronts/', 'ImageLevels' : '6', 'ImageXsize' : '4489', 'ImageYsize' : '6000', 'FileGroup_ID' : '14', 'impos' : '2001'} /* Array ( [0] =>
    [crop] => false
    [sortby] => ObjectAlphaSort
    [sqllimit] =>  AND FileGroup_id in (14) 
    [val] => 886
    [what] => details
    [whichdb] => externalIIP
    [whichtable] => Image
[1] =>

SELECT * FROM Object, Image WHERE Object.ObjectID = Image.ObjectID AND ImageID = '886'

[2] =>
SELECT * FROM Object, Image WHERE Object.ObjectID = Image.ObjectID AND FileGroup_id in (14) ORDER BY Object.ObjectAlphaSort
[3] =>
2001 --> 886 N-4189-00 Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669
[4] =>
    [ObjectID] => 868
    [ObjectCode] => N-4189-00
    [ObjectNumber] => NG4189
    [ObjectDateBegin] => 1628-01-01
    [ObjectDateEnd] => 1632-12-31
    [ObjectDisplayDate] => about 1630
    [ObjectDimensions] => 63.8 x 47.7 cm
    [ObjectMedium] => Oil on oak
    [ObjectAlphaSort] => Rembrandt
    [ObjectAuthor] => Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669
    [ObjectTitle] => Anna and the Blind Tobit
    [ObjectShortTitle] => Anna and the Blind Tobit
    [ObjectCreditLine] => Bought, 1926
    [ObjectString] => NG4189: Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669, Anna and the Blind Tobit, about 1630, Oil on oak, (63.8 x 47.7 cm), Bought, 1926.
    [ObjectLocation] => Room 16
    [ObjectPrivateLocation] => Gallery 16
    [ObjectPublicLocation] => Room 16
    [ObjectSchool] => Dutch
    [ObjectCurator] => Betsy Wieseman
    [ObjectDescription] => Traces of a false signature, which are now no longer visible, were recorded on the varnish at the left: Re.bra.
Tobit, who was a devout Jew, lived with his wife Anna and their son Tobias. He was blinded when sparrows\' droppings fell into his eyes, a misfortune which he endured with great fortitude. Tobit sent his son a journey to collect a debt. Tobias was accompanied by the Archangel Raphael, who told him to save the heart, liver and gall of a large fish, the gall of which he used to cure his father\'s blindness. Old Testament Apocrypha (The Book of Tobit 2).
NG 4189 was engraved as the work of Rembrandt during his lifetime, but it has subsequently been argued that its meticulous detail suggests that it was either a collaboration between Rembrandt and his Leiden pupil Gerrit Dou, or by Dou alone. Comparisons with the work of Rembrandt and Dou have made it clear that the picture is, in fact, an authentic work by Rembrandt painted in about 1630 in Leiden before his move to Amsterdam. Recent cleaning has revealed areas of the background and skilful treatment of detail (formerly obscured by discoloured varnish), which also support the attribution to Rembrandt himself.
Possibly in the collection of the Unshod Carmelites at the Convent of San Hermenegildo, Madrid, by 1776; certainly in the John Bell sale, North Park, Glasgow, 1881; bought from Denis Elliot Watson, 1926.
Bruyn 1982-9, I, pp. 461-6, no. C3
MacLaren/Brown 1991, pp. 109-12 [ObjectStatusID] => 1 [PublicAccess] => 1 [GroupNumber] => [GroupTitle] => [GroupArtist] => [GroupDate] => [GroupParts] => [ImageID] => 886 [ImageFile] => N-4189-00-000020-WZ-PYR.tif [ImageCode] => N-4189-00-000020-WZ [ImagePath] => /pics/tmp/websiteimages/Website_Collection_Online/Web Zoom Images/WZ web NG Fronts/ [ImageLevels] => 6 [ImageXsize] => 4489 [ImageYsize] => 6000 [FileGroup_ID] => 14 [impos] => 2001 )
) */